Exterior and Interior Painters Serving a Wide Area
Lambert Painting Co. services a wide area in Central Massachusetts with commercial and residential painting services as well as pressure washing, deck maintenance, window glazing, wallpaper removal, polyurethane, staining, cabinet refinishing and more including the communities of Winchendon, Gardner, Ashby, Ashburnham, Townsend, Pepperell, Groton, Leominster, Fitchburg, Rutland, Lancaster, Sterling, Westminster, Barre, Royalston, Templeton, Hubbardston, Orange, Petersham, and Athol.
Sought-after House Painter and Commercial Painting Contractor
Lambert Painting is a sought after house painter and commercial painting contractor in Massachusetts. We thank our satisfied customers for their recommendations.
Lambert Painting Co. services towns in New Hampshire with commercial and residential painting and our other services including the communities of Rindge, Jaffrey, Peterborough, Keene, Fitzwilliam, Wilton, Mt. Vernon, Greenville, Greenfield, and Nashua. Lambert Painting is a sought after house painter and commercial painting contractor in Massachusetts. Do we service your community? Just call (978) 297-1571 or use our contact form.